a choice... a journey not a destination... different things to different people... better than sorrow
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Baby gift album
Well, I'm finally getting around to posting pictures of the baby album I made for Misti. It was a little challenging because they wanted to be surprised by the gender. When I started the album I tried to make it gender generic and then Jonathan was born so I switched to a little more boyish theme. I had a lot of fun with it. In creating the cover I found I liked the orientation turned better and did the rest of the album around that. Hope you enjoy.
By day I help law firms implement case management software and by weekend I'm exploring my creative side. You know, mixed in with all the other stuff you have to do on the weekend like the laundry. I love reading blogs and seeing all the beautiful artwork. I love how encouraging and friendly the community is. Please feel free to leave a comment even if it is just to say hi.
Happy Friday the 13th
A nice woman at the hair salon reminded me yesterday that today would be
Friday the 13th. Otherwise I never would have even thought about it. In
reality th...
Gift Wrap Central
🎵 It's the most wonderful time of the year! 🎵
There are some great sales going on downtown at the Five and Dime
Department Store and they are even offe...
Art Every Day Month 2024
Art Every Day Month is once again right around the corner! This November
will be the 23rd year I have been creating daily for the month of November
and inv...
Three of Our Most Popular Classes
Our 40% off sale continues until August 21st! Many of you have already
stocked up on some fun classes… hurray and thank …
Continue reading →
Of August Raindrop Candlelight & Garden Delights
August sublime... With raindrop symphonies and droplets on windows. After
the heat of July, the moody weather of August has been a dream. Big fluffy
Fastest Summer Ever
Hello, dear friends! I'm so sorry I've been absent here for so long! Summer
has been so wonderfully busy and full of joy. We have been doing lots of
ICAD 2023
I took part in my 3rd year of Index-Card-A-Day
I found it so much easier this year because I've stopped overthinking the
prompts. It has made a huge di...
HandCrafted Part 2 - new article
As a follow up to my last article, this one illustrates my dimensional
explorations with arm reliquaries. The issue just arrived and should be on
the store...
New art studio “before” pictures
Got the keys today to my new art studio in Tucson, Arizona! Yea! Next two
days will be cleaning and painting/patching walls then move in is on
Saturday! ...
1.31.23 4x4 inch mixed media collage on Fabriano 100% cotton paper still
only $15 with free shipping all proceeds go to Regional Food Pantries of
Brand New Project Kit: "A SEASON OF WONDER"
"It's the most wonderful time of the year..." When I was a child, there was
a tradition that we followed every year. On the Friday after Thanksgiving,
my m...
Relic Ring Registration
Registration is open! Click HERE for details. This has to be one of my all
time favorite classes to teach. So many students have loved taking it in
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
This Saturday is a brand new episode of “Home Sweet Home” on Food Network.
My kids are helping me shoot it, my production company in the UK is editing
it t...
Home Sweet Home! by The Pioneer Woman
I hope you’ve all been doing well, staying safe, and (hopefully) getting
back to some glimpse of normal. I know normal is a relative term, and I
swear, I s...
New Encaustic Workshops for 2020
WAX WEEK REGISTRATION IS OPEN! My 5-day intensive encaustic workshops are
open for registration. And OOOOH, wait until you see what I have for you
this yea...
Sew With Me: Pink Polka Dot Full Apron
Here it is.... as promised, the 2nd part of the video I did for my YouTube
channel. I hope you enjoy it. It was a lot of work and I know I'm learning
Old Black Eyes
....Is back!! With a new tour, new set, and a new (EPIC!) setlist. And all
that lovely pre tour ticket buying stress malarkey……..
Was a helluva wait, sev...
Spirit Dolls
The bodies are made with twigs. In the top doll I padded the twigs with
cotton balls before dressing her. No padding on the second doll and I
think ...
Meg and Other Matters
Meg, Alex’s lifelong friend, got married Saturday! She’s Hyacinth’s
daughter, and while it’s a little surreal that she is now a married woman,
she found pr...
How I started
Day 2 -March Meet the Maker. How I started.
Many moons ago I had a dream, to become a self-employed artist, I made a
wish, set my feet on the path, made a...
Link Love: December
So many links. So little time. Once a month I am going to share links to
articles, artists, websites, social media feeds, artwork, events, book...
What Root Is This?
Cool shadow of a root on the beach I encountered the other day. Trouble is,
I don't know what plant this was as it is unrecognizable! Any guesses?
652 With His Song
652 With His Song 8x8 inches : original oil painting on gessobord Click
here to Buy --- Strumming my pain with his fingers Singing my life with his
words K...
Our novel...ON PURPOSE...it's here...
Finally... we are proud to announce *On Purpose* has arrived...
The novel by Angela Cartwright & Bill Mumy
The Devil seeks revenge against an old adversar...
Set of 3 Abstracts, Horizons.
* "We All Live Under The Same Sky but Our Horizons differ", *
*This Painting is based on the above statement. *
*This set is Simply Amazing.... *
*It is ...
new class launches tomorrow on Creativebug!
I have a brand new class launching tomorrow on Creativebug! This one is 30
days of flowers. New content, new techniques. (Not in depth like Painting
Another year is almost over...whew!
Just posting a few layouts that I completed at Sisterhood.
Pretty excited as Fall Scrap Retreat is coming up in a week and a half.
Such a great time. I hop...
GT v. UT
Lance and I got to go to the GT v UT Chick-fil-a Kick-off game at the new
Mercedes Benz Stadium. We had some amazing seats and for the majority of
the gam...
Antigua Guatemala in January 2018
I'm quiet here, I know - it's been awhile. Taking this year off from
teaching, being home, moving at a slowed down pace I'm finding is
restorative and I ca...
Pink Moon Afterglow Mandala
I visited my dear friend Midge the day of the pink full moon. Her beautiful
flashy pink bougainvillea was blooming and I just had to bring a co...
Spring changes…
April is turning out to be a month of big changes for me and the month is
still young… a week or so ago I had my hair cut and donated fifteen inches
to a g...
Focaccia & Pesto Buns
[image: Focaccia & Pesto Buns]Remember the La Place tuna salad I did ‘a
little’ while ago? Oh come on, it was like yesterday I posted it! Well, I
made the ...
Monkey In Iceland
One morning, when I was twelve years old, I walked into the kitchen that we
shared with another family, and all of a sudden something jumped on my
Quick and simple Christmas Cards
Well, yesterday I decided to make some simple Christmas cards - finally! I
made ten of the same design. I used a stencil and stamp by Claritystamp.
HI Blogland :)
So, What's been happening with me?
Well I taught at ART IS YOU, that was a highlight of this year so far.
I participated in the APRON PROJE...
Love Sea-Related Stuff!
Posting a sea-themed altered CD I made recently using DecoArts products I
am hoping to submit for their Under the Sea Challenge. I used a few
different sp...
Iwakuni Takeaway: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
So, I wanted to save this sayonara post as my last one, with a bold,
resonating message and an epic mike drop as I boarded the plane bound for
the State...
Bethany and Jordan's Graduations 2016
Our May was filled with many celebrations. My youngest, Jordan turned
twelve, and he also graduated from 5th grade.
My oldest child and only daught...
Monster From the Deep TV
Our store is trying to clear out every one of the monster sized TVs to make
room for next year’s models and some of these things are ridiculous. There
is t...
Grit and Grace Classwork on Raw Canvas
Really like this one. Drew with charcoal using non-dominant hand, then
looked for shapes I wanted to emphasize--saw the hand first, then saw the
latest encaustic work
some of the paintings ive been working on
getting ready for my fall show next weekend
see my latest work on my other blog
*for show details email me at*
Amicable endings....thank goodness
To whom it may concern, Please allow this declaration to serve as formal
notice that the lawsuit between myself and Leslie Ohnstad has been resolved
A New Piece, in-progress, Part 2.
Apologies for the long delay in posting the finish of this neckpiece, it
caught me just before a teaching trip to the US and time got away! Let's
pick it u...
Custom Wedding Invitations
My brother, Alex is getting married this summer and my soon-to-be,
sister-in-law, Kayla asked me to make them some custom wedding invitations.
I don't do c...
Happy Mother's Day
Mom, even though you have been gone for over 20 years, I can still feel
your loving touch, and the soothing sound of your voice. You are always and
will ev...
RISE a watercolor technique
Supplies: Watercolor paper or a watercolor journal. A lot of water is used
in this project
So it's best ...
Atlanta Gift Show
I visited the Americas Mart in Atlanta last week for the International Gift
and Home Furnishing Show. This was my first show and there's hundreds of
by now
by now
i hope you've found me
that you know i haven't disappeared
that i'm still writing about this crazy thing we all call life and filling
my posts wi...
A vintage Halloween...
Hello Friends. Its been a while! This is my favorite time of the year! Fall
and Halloween.. Ive decided to blow the dust off my art supplies and just
go fo...
Team Beachbody 3 Day Refresh Results
I just finished the 3 Day Refresh with Shakeology health shakes. This was
a trial run for me to see if I wanted to continue using their program on a
My Blog Moving
Hey gang
After all these years I'll be leaving Blogger and moving my blog posts to
my website.
For future blog posts (and the old ones too) go here:
Antique Cigarette Card
I found this old cigarette card on Etsy and just fell in love. I don't know
why I am drawn to old medical genre illustrations but I hope that you will
The Artstronauts Club is finally live!
*My next big project is here!*
It is our goal to have this meeting place that continually has new sources
of inspiration in the form of online worksho...
Silent Retreat
I've just taken a deep breath and have decided to dive back into
blogging. This time I won't begin with an apology for taking so long to
write a post....
This is another step stool completed...this time it is a donation for a
fund raiser for my grandsons school....Just makes me happy...happy...happy!
Sample Post With Threaded Comments
This is an example of a WordPress post, you could edit this to put
information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are
coming from. You c...
Wayzgoose Keepsake Envelopes
We have been organizing like maniacs getting ready to host the APA
Wayzgoose. We had a good logistics meeting today and then got to impromptu
collaborate o...
Easy & Pretty Jewelry Box Decoration
I love decorating my jewelry box with masking tape. they are easy and
pretty! and there is so many different design of masking tape so I can
easily re-desi...
New blog!
The time has come! I've finally moved my blog over to my new site. You can
find it here: www.candicestringhamphotography.com It's still a work in
jumping in
{just jumping in like I'm not the worst blogger. ever.}
J has been out of school since last Wednesday for "Spring Intercession".
Whatever that means.. LOL ...
I Love Photography! by The Pioneer Woman
A short time after I started my blog in 2006, I got a “big girl camera” and
began learning about photography. My learning approach was to take
thousands an...
Still on Sabbatical
Hello friends. Taking a break from the crusades was not an easy decision -
it was the one commitment I could eliminate from my schedule to make room
for ot...
ok... so it's here!! the big day... you have been hearing about it!! head
over to my brand new www.heidiswapp.com and look around! today i am posting
ALL D...
Foodie Friday: Breakfast to Go!
Seems on some school mornings we are in such a rush. Noah has drumline
practice 2-3 mornings a week at 7 a.m., so those days he eats breakfast in
the ca...
Gallery: Favorite Jazz Fest Eats
[image: Cochon de Lait Po'boy. The Best Po'Boy at the Fest. Get one early
or you'll be sorry! (at Food Area 1)] Cochon de Lait Po’boy. The Best
Po’Boy a...
Technology Part 2
Okay, when did we make it ok to interact with each other via text for
things like dating. First let me say, I am not dating anyone as I am
happily married...
"Spring is Around The Corner"
"Spring is Around the Corner" is the theme of April's Etsy Beadweavers
Street Team challenge. I'm currently enjoying an early Spring here in North
Thank you everyone!
Thank you to everyone who participated on Mixed Media Monday, and a
special thanks to all the wonderful guest hosts. Thanks also for all the
kind words,...
Dealing with your child's "intelligence".
Okay, to be clear, I do not think my 3 year old son is a genius. On
the other hand, my wife and I have never had him tested, (nor do we plan
to) and ...
happy new year!!
wishing all of you a beautiful new year, filled with every single wish you
hope for. we're heading out to a neighbors for some champagne and to
celebrate e...
a foundation
of support.
Today, I am aware of support....from family...from friends...from virtual
The new site is up, and that's where you can find me from now on! If you
try the link and my site does not come up, hit refresh on your browser.
Shop to Remember Tracie Miser
Feel like shopping? A lot of you may remember Tracie Miser, who was very
active in altered art of all kinds, and also very good at it. She was a
good frien...
Poetry for the Eyes
(Paris is a feeling )
These dreamy photos by Irene Suchocki are among so many of my favorite
things on etsy. Through a stroke of serendipity and our commo...
New year, new blog!
Hiya guys,
I haven't actually disappeared, believe it or not. I am back, but in
wordpress form, lol. If you are so inclined (and I sincerely hope you are),...
For each ecstatic instant. . .
I haven't scrapped in over a week and I have some very needy craft supplies
calling my name. There will definitely be some time set aside this weekend
A feel of AcCoMpLiShMeNt!
I know it has been a while since I have posted...I need to get better at
First, I wanted you to know I will be teaching at Scrapista this year in
Mermaid Story Book - Using Cricut
Here are some pages of the Story book that I made for my Niece this year
who turned "6" on March 7th. The book was created using my Cricut and a 8 x
8 scra...
Well, as Laurel pointed out, I am WAY overdue for a post on here. To make a
long story short, I will just say that my attention span has been too short
to ...
Minus one organ
Last Monday, I had the happy joy of visiting the Northside-Forsyth ER as
patient. I found out that I was blessed with gallstones and my gallbladder
would ...
It has been a mammoth effort to organise everything before I go off to Art
and Soul.
I won’t bother listing everything cos I would be here well after the...
"Layers" An Adventure in Colors for Altered Books
These are a few of my samples for the "Layers" An Adventure in Color for
Altered Books class, that will be taught at
Absolutely Everything in Topsfield, ...
I was wondering if you were ever going to post this anywhere. Thank you SO MUCH for making it for me. I LOVE it. You make the best albums.
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